A few weeks ago, I was interviewed on a segment on 60 Minutes on trans healthcare. You can watch it here! Also featured were detransitioners Garrett, Daisy, Rachel, and Aaron, as well as Dr. Erica Anderson, current president of USPATH. It was a lot of fun, and no one got mad about it.
(Ok, to tell you the truth, some people got mad about it. I’ll write more about that soon.)
The segment was a long time in the making, and I’m hugely relieved it’s out! I’m really pleased that 60 Minutes chose to give some platform to people who have been harmed by transition. It means a lot.
Since then, newly loose-lipped and ready to gab, I’ve done two interviews.
One with Blaire White:
And one with Benjamin Boyce:
I hope to have more writing for you here soon. Until then, please feel free to reply with any questions or topics you’d like addressed in future posts. And as always, thanks for subscribing to my Substack!
I'm proud of you, very brave!
Imagine how much coverage this would get if you were an influencer.